Wednesday, December 30, 2009

There is no shame in being Enhanced!

My name is Gojant. I an a Draenei Enhancement Shaman. I pal around with my guild Jungle Style on many raids as we fight the might of the Lich King.

Why an enhancement shaman? So few of us exist. Every time I see one pass me I /wave. The class is a definitive hybrid, split down the middle between melee and caster DPS, but I still have capabilities to heal in a pinch. The lure came to me as I have always liked the ability to change my role as I see fit in any situation. I didn't like to be pigeonholed and Enhancement allowed me switch roles as the situation called for it. Sure, there are Druids that posibly fit this better, but the thrill of swirling around by windfury and transforming into a Ghost Wolf to rush towards my enemies gives me a kick. I can command the elements to my will and I do so with great skill and pride.

What is in store for me and what are my goals? I strive to be the best and most knowledgable shaman I can be. It is a badge I wear proudly. JS is approaching the fight with the Lich King and we are all preparing to enter his chamber. I have been quickly collecting tokens to equip the Frost Witch Battlegarb. The Shoulders were my first purchase, and I get a rush when I see ghostly figures emerge from them. The gloves came last night so I could see the true rage from Shamanistic Rage evolve on each use. While I still have a ways to go, I am on the right path for great damage. Trinkets and Totem Relics are in my future next. They will close some weaknesses in my armor that has been for too long.

While it may be a ways off before the Lich King feels the sting of my axes, I will continue to prepare for our encounter.

Gojant signing off.

1 comment:

  1. I like this idea so I stole it from you.

    shameless plug:
